Meet our content editors: selectors of contemporary short stories. They will choose the best tales specially written for this project.
Through the interactive mobile application Slavic Soundwalking, which will be developed in the upcoming period, users will have the opportunity to listen to a series of short stories by contemporary writers from Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia, exclusively written for this project. Our fantastic editors are responsible for selecting authors and literary content, and we are pleased to introduce them to you: 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐕𝐮𝐣č𝐢ć, Biljana Srbljanović and Suzana Tratnik.
Marina Vujčić is an author and editor who emerged on the literary scene in 2010 with the novel 'Tuđi život' (Someone Else's Life). Since then, she has published six more novels: 'A onda je Božo krenuo ispočetka' (And Then Božo Started Over, 2014), 'Mogla sam to biti ja' (I Could Have Been That, 2015), 'Susjed' (Neighbor, 2015), 'Otpusno pismo' (Discharge Letter, co-authored with Ivica Ivanišević, 2016), 'Pitanje anatomije' (Anatomy Question, 2017), and 'Pedeset cigareta za Elenu' (Fifty Cigarettes for Elena, 2019). In 2021, she released a book of diary entries titled 'Stolareva kći' (The Carpenter's Daughter). She is the recipient of the V.B.Z. Award for the best unpublished novel for 'Susjed' and has won the Marin Držić Award multiple times for dramas. Currently, four of her plays are being performed in Croatian theaters: 'Plodna voda' (Fertile Water) at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, 'Umri ženski' (Die Like a Woman) at Kerempuh Theatre, 'Podmornica' (The Submarine) at the Theatre for the Blind and Visually Impaired New Life, and 'Tvorničke postavke' (Factory Settings), co-written with Ivica Ivanišević, at Moruzgva Theatre."
Biljana Srbljanović is dramatist and dramaturge, a regular professor at the University of Arts in Belgrade, head of the Department of Dramaturgy at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. She completed her studies in dramaturgy at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, where she is preparing a doctoral thesis in the field of Film Studies. She is the author of over 10 plays and several hundred journalistic and professional texts in both domestic and international publications, including Le Monde, La Repubblica, New York Times, etc.
Her plays have been translated into approximately 25 languages and performed in over 100 theaters worldwide. For her dramatic work, she has won six Sterija Awards, as well as the Joakim Vujić Award, Slobodan Selenić Award, Ernst Toller Award, the City of Belgrade Award twice, and the Premio Europa Award. For her activism, she has received the Conquest of Freedom Award, Dragoljub Stošić Award, Icebreaker of the Year Award, and the Sarajevo Day Award.
She is a longtime activist for the rights of LGBTI+ individuals and for the rights and protection of women, especially students. She is a recipient of the French Order of Arts and Letters and holds the rank of a Knight for her contributions.
Suzana Tratnik is a sociologist and a master of gender anthropology. She lives and works in Ljubljana as a writer, translator, and publicist. She co-founded the lesbian group LL in Ljubljana in 1987 and collaborated with the LGBT Film Festival. She has published eight short story collections: 'Pod ničlo' (1997), 'Na svojem dvorišču' (2003), 'Vzporednice' (2005), 'Česa nisem nikoli razumela na vlaku' (2008), 'Dva svetova' (2010), 'Rezervat' (2012), 'Noben glas' (2016), and 'Škarje' (2023); six novels: 'Ime mi je Damjan' (2001), 'Tretji svet' (2007), 'Tombola ali življenje!' (2017), 'Norhavs na vrhu hriba' (2019), 'Pontonski most' (2020), and 'Ava' (2021), along with several professional works on lesbian literature and activism. She has received multiple literary awards. Her books and short stories have been translated into over twenty languages, and she herself has translated several books of British and American prose and professional literature.