Introducing the Slavic Soundwalking App
The Orchid
Brane Mozetič
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Condom Balloons
Katarina Mitrović
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Weekly Shopping
Selma Skenderović
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A letter to the editor
Filip David
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Borna Vujčić
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Ankica Tomić
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An interdisciplinary cultural program based on sound design, digitization and literature networking of new Slavic language expressions and forms in Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia to develop inter-neighborly relations, cultural cooperation and strengthen the cultural circulation.
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Yesterday, the literary multimedia project Slavic Soundwalking was presented at the KNAP Center in Zagreb, along with the launch of the eponymous app. The celebration was enhanced by Pričigin, the famous Split festival that has been celebrating the power of live storytelling for 17 years, as well as a concert by the band Cry Babies.
At the press conference, the multimedia project Slavic Soundwalking was announced.
The workshop "Transformation of Personal Story into Literary Story" is dedicated to discovering and mapping personal stories from the lives of each participant, who are willing to use them as material for monologues, dramas, plays inspired by their own experiences, or other literary forms in the future.
Dear guests, whether you are participating in a workshop, listening to inspiring stories, walking around the city of Zagreb, or joining a panel discussion, this five-day program is designed to promote the Slavic Soundwalking mobile application, which will be launched in Zagreb on June 4th.
Open Call for Workshop by Aleksa Krstić. Throughout a one-day workshop, we will discuss the history of queer poetry, key queer authors, and ways in which social and political issues are communicated through poetic text.
🧉We invite all those who write or are just about to start writing to participate with their stories in the short story workshop titled: "Write a Short Story" as part of the Slavic Soundwalking project.
Our aim is to promote South Slavic cultural and linguistic diversity. This project will strengthen networking in cultural and creative industries through discursive activities and contribute to the transnational circulation of literary content with the help of digital technology.
We strive to develop cultural cooperation, to increase learning capacity in new dimensions, and create accessible cultural content for an inclusive society.
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On social media, we introduce you to authors, interpreters, and announce various events.